
Publié le par miss link

Dammit, she thought. I am back there again.
Half depressed, half angry, with a hint of irritation and a generous serving of sadness.
She took her plate, and brought it to the sink. She compulsively started to do the dishes. She hated when any dishes were left in the morning.
She dried her hands carefully, and headed back to the couch.
What now, she thought. How can I feel better?
Gee, can I feel better? Do I even really want to? The whole world is pissing me off and there is no way I am going to forgive it that quickly!
She smiled at that thought, and went to the stove to heat up some water for a herbal tea. A herbal tea would surely do her good. Back on the couch, she waited patiently for the water to boil, and poured it onto the lime blossom she had put in the cup. Ok, tonight was pissed off night, so.
She grabbed her blanket, switched on her favorite TV show and wallowed in the emotions, knowing that they would end up shifting if she took good care of herself.

Son poing retomba sur la table si violemment que son verre se renversa.
"C'est pas POSSIBLE!"
Elle rentra la tête dans les épaules, se demandant ce qui allait encore lui tomber dessus.
Il se leva et se pencha au dessus d'elle d'un air menaçant. Elle se recroquevilla un peu plus sur sa chaise.
"Tu as ENCORE brûlé le dîner!!"
Un tout petit filet de voix s'échappa de sa gorge et elle dit "pardon".
Il repoussa sa chaise violemment, et sortit de la pièce en claquant la porte.
Elle se mit à pleurer par petits sanglots, sans faire trop de bruit. Encore une fois elle avait échoué. Encore une fois, elle n'était pas assez bien.

Publié dans Ecriture

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